Monday, April 16, 2012

This is one of our impact crash door we build for industrial use, suitable for a large amount of applications. it is reliable, it is well-built, it improves the traffic flows in building and manufacturing areas of all kind. our PVC swing doors comes in different colours and sizes, depending on our customers' needs. there's no better way to save energy and optimize flows of goods. with us you will never regret your choice.

We are an italian industrial fast action door manufacturer, we build high speed rolling up doors, in the picture you can see our model of rolling up door in grey colour with a central big vision panel very suitable for the food industry, milk factories for instance. in which it completely meets the UK requirements for safety.

It opens and closes very quickly  and it assures and a tight sealing on all the sides of the door, for a better mantaining of optimal temperature inside the building or the production area within the building. this is just an example of application for this kind of door.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Our industrial fast action roll up doors are the right choice for whoever needs a quick flow of goods, machinery, and people. they are available in different colours and measurements depending on the client's requirements and needs. These doors are very easy and practical to mount and require just a minimum of mantainance. good for both outdoor and indoor applications. visit us at

Le nostre porte ad arrotolamento veloce rappresentano una giusta scelta per   chi ha necessità di transito veloce di merci, beni e persone. Sono disponibili in diversi colori e dimensioni, a seconda delle esigenze normative e produttive dello stabilimento. sono costituite da un'anima in polietilene e rivestite esternamente in PVC e pertanto presentano una resistenza al calore di classe 2. Sono molti facili e pratiche da montare e si adattano sia per gli esterni che per gli interni. 


  • completamente personalizzabile
  • facile da montare
  • uso esterno e/o interno
  • affidabilità e convenienza
  • resistenza agli agenti atmosferici

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